7 Cheap Gift Ideas For Texans On A Budget
Gifts are a part of so many East Texas traditions. Birthdays, graduations, and holiday parties can stress you out and leave you with a knot in your stomach when you’re in a tough situation and you have no money. Luckily, some of the most meaningful gifts won’t cost you a dime out of pocket. Although it’s easier to stick some cash in an envelope, it can be so much more meaningful to pour your time and effort into something thoughtful. With a little elbow grease and out-of-the-box thinking, it’s even possible to make an awesome gift with items from around your home. We’ve collected some of the most ingenious ways to give a gift for little or no money in East Texas.

Pass Along A Prize Possession
A store-bought gift will never be as meaningful as a family heirloom or prized possession. Take stock of the items in your life that mean the most to you and consider passing them along for special occasions like graduations or birthday milestones. This doesn’t mean you have to grab junk out of your closet or a random piece of household furniture, but passing down watches, jewelry, and keepsakes from one generation to the next is a touching, meaningful tradition that costs no money. You might even consider passing along a recipe book, novel, or antique that has served you well. This type of present works best if the recipient is someone close to you who will appreciate the unique significance of your prized possessions.
Crafty DIY Presents Using Household Items
There’s an entire genre of YouTube videos dedicated to fun DIY crafts you can make out of items in your home. Depending on your situation, you might need to run to Wal-Mart or the craft store to grab things like glue, but it should be possible to make something crafty for very little money if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. Consider fun ideas like coasters made out of CDs, blankets made out of comfy t-shirts, or a charm bracelet made from your necklaces and earrings.
Offer To Do Yard Work or Chores
It costs a lot of money to pay someone else to mow the lawn or clean up the house. You might be surprised how grateful your friends and family will be if you offer to do yard work or chores around the house as a gift! If your recipient is a spouse or roommate, consider surprising them by cleaning the entire home and doing their least favorite tasks while they’re away. Create “IOU” tickets or a coupons book with offers that are redeemable for things like “mowing the yard for free” or “washing the car”. Your time and effort is valuable and making your recipient’s life easier communicates how much you care.
Babysitting (Or Pet Sitting!)
Children are life’s greatest joy, but something tells us that the mom and dad in your life might still appreciate a night to themselves. Babysitters are expensive and trustworthy individuals are hard to find, so this gift can be even more valuable than money to a stressed-out parent. Likewise, it’s expensive to shelter a pet and offering to host their furry friend can relieve them of the guilt they might feel about leaving their pet with a stranger.
Cooking Their Favorite Foods
This gift requires some skills in the kitchen and, yes, a little bit of money, but that’s what makes it so special. Baked goods like cookies, cupcakes, and muffins are the easiest to package as a gift, but a home-cooked meal paired with quality time spent together can be one of the most enjoyable gifts imaginable. You’ll make memories together that far outlast the fleeting value of a gift card or store-bought box of chocolates.
Consider Regifting Valuable Items
Speaking of gift cards, consider passing on your valuable gifts. Nobody wants your third-generation fruitcake or cheap off-brand soap, but unused gift cards and valuable, unopened presents might make the perfect gift. You might feel a little guilty about regifting, but think of it this way: you’re giving up something of value you could have used for yourself. Still, if you choose to go this route, it’s probably best not to mention that the item is regifted.
Artwork, Photos & Video
If you’re a creative person this is probably the first idea you think of in these situations. If you’re not, you might be thinking: “I’m not an artist!” Rest assured, you don’t need to be Bob Ross to make a gift that someone will really appreciate. Consider creating a photo album using pictures from your phone or social media. You could even create a video or slideshow with music that is meaningful to your recipient.
Having No Money Is Stressful

Most of us have experienced financial difficulties in our life and the recipient of your gift is sure to understand that. Going through tough times with no money can be tough and although gifts can be made for free, some expenses are unavoidable. If you’re in an urgent situation in East Texas and need money to cover your expenses, consider a loan from Freddy’s Fast Cash. Although borrowing money should not be your first choice, loans from Freddy’s Fast Cash can provide monetary relief to borrowers who understand the costs of their loan and are prepared to pay back what they will owe in a timely manner.
Having no money is stressful, but it doesn’t have to stop you from living your life. You might feel bad that your gift options are constrained by your financial situation, but your time, effort, and consideration will shine through.

BONUS: Wrapping Presents & Making Cards
A present isn’t really free if you have to spend $8 on a greeting card! We know wrapping paper, gift bags, and cards can be expensive too. Consider these low-cost options for wrapping your presents and making cards.
The cheapest gift wrap option is old newspapers. The illustrated comic section works especially well and has better presentation value than the classifieds or opinion section. However, another option you might not have considered is paper towel rolls. It’s possible to fit small gifts inside a paper towel roll and wrap them up with newspaper or spare gift wrap into a small, tootsie-roll shaped gift bag. Greeting cards can be made out of paper at home, of course, but if you can spare a buck or two the dollar store is a great option, too.
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