When you are running low on cash or have a financial goal you want to reach, there are a number of creative things you can do to bring in some extra money. A quick and simple way to have some more cash in your pocket soon is to flip items that you already own or can get easily. In Texas, there are both online and in-person ways to make money selling items you own that others want.

Pokémon Cards
Kids have been playing with and trading Pokémon cards since they were introduced in the late ‘90s. Over the last few decades, the popularity of Pokémon cards has increased and many of the early cards are now viewed as collectibles. If you have stacks of these cards from your childhood or find a great deal on a bundle of cards, you may be able to flip some of them for profit. There are serious Pokémon collectors out there who are willing to pay for hard-to-find cards. In fact, there is an app available that is designed to find the value of the cards in your collection. TCGPlayer is an app where you can scan your Pokémon cards and find their monetary value. You can sell and purchase Pokémon cards through the app. If you are looking for a way to quickly and easily value and sell your Pokémon cards, the TCGPlayer app is a great option. You can also sell your Pokémon cards online through well-known resell websites like eBay and Facebook Marketplace.
If you are looking for a physical location to sell your cards, GameStop locations have buyback programs. In East Texas, places that will purchase high quality Pokémon cards include:
- The Castle at 5615 Troup Hwy, Tyler, TX 75707 and
- Geek World at 1859 Troup Hwy, Tyler, TX 75701
If you are not ready to part with your collection but are looking for some different cards, many of the places that purchase used cards also have trading programs.
The money you can make flipping old Pokémon cards will vary based on the type and quality of the card. Most Pokémon cards that are worth selling will get you between $10 and $50 dollars. There are some extremely rare cards that go for thousands of dollars online. You may never cash in for thousands of dollars on just one Pokémon card, but it is possible to make some decent money if you decide to flip your collection of Pokémon that includes hundreds of cards.

Furniture and antiques
Your trash really can be someone else’s treasure when it comes to flipping furniture and antiques. If you have an eye for potential in furniture you can make some real money flipping pieces. There are two approaches: restore/refinish old furniture and sell it or find furniture that others can restore and sell it. A wooden table with surface damage can be sanded and painted to look brand new. You can transform an out-of-style piece of furniture with something as simple as a coat of paint, new knobs, or by changing the fabric on the seat cushion. A little time and elbow grease can help you take an inexpensive or free piece of used furniture and sell it for a profit.
You can also take old furniture and create something completely different with it. For example, many of the old hutches that were used to display fine china are no longer being used in homes. The formal and large piece of furniture is not practical for many modern homes. You can remove doors, paint, and make a few other alterations to turn a hutch into a coffee station. A coffee station is a cute and practical piece of furniture that many people would love to have in their homes. You can do others a favor by getting a large piece of furniture out of their way and use your creativity to change a piece into one that has a practical use.
High quality pieces of used furniture can be sold for hundreds of dollars online and at furniture consignment sales. For example, a refinished round wood table can easily sell for $200. If you can find great deals on furniture and put in the work to fix it up, flipping furniture can be a lucrative side hustle in Texas.
If you do not want to go to the trouble of selling your furniture items online, there are places around East Texas that will do the work for you.
- Tyler Consignment Warehouse at 4500 DC Dr, Tyler, TX 75701 will allow you to put your furniture on consignment so you do not have to deal with potential buyers.
- Red Door Consignment is a store in Longview at 423 N High St, Longview, TX 75601 where you can consign the furniture you want to flip.
At furniture consignment stores, the seller will take a percentage of the sell price and you will receive the remainder.

Clothes that you no longer wear can be used to earn you some extra cash. When you are tired of an item or it no longer fits, consider selling it before you toss it in the donate pile. You can sell clothing items piece by piece online on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and on clothing resale sites like Poshmark.
There are also stores around East Texas that will pay you cash for your gently used clothing on the spot.
- Clothes Mentor is a used clothing resale store that purchases high quality, used women’s clothing and sells it. You can take your clothing there and get a cash offer on the spot for your unwanted clothing.
- Plato’s Closet is the same design as Clothes Mentor but it is focused on purchasing fashionable and gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories for teens and twenty-somethings. Not all of your clothing will be accepted but it is possible to make a little extra cash with this method.
Typical clothing will bring you a few dollars per item. If you have name-brand and fashionable clothes to sell that are in good condition, you can likely make a few hundred dollars each time you purge the closets throughout your house.
If you take a look around your home there are likely items that you are willing to part with in order to get a little extra cash. You can maximize your earning by doing the work yourself and selling the items online. If you do not have the time to handle the entire process yourself, consider selling items on consignment or directly to stores in the resell business.
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